Hello everyone x
It's been a while now ;)
It's a gloomy Tuesday afternoon and I can't help the feeling of being a little bit overwhelmed. Nothing to be worried about as I guess it's quite normal.
I was thinking that recently I've been doing all the things that I'm supposed to do not the things that I'd like to do. Even when it comes to reading a book I choose those that supposedly are the intelligent ones. It just sometimes feels like as you're getting older and as you go further with your studies you are expected to be educated which stands for using accurate language, behave in the way that is imposed by others and even sometimes you are obliged to think what the others think. If that was bilateral conversation you'd probably say that I have all the rights to think on my own and do whatever I want. But let's be honest, do I really? You can't really say whatever is on your mind and neither you can do whatever you want. That's why sometimes I have this feeling of being trapped as you have to behave in the way that is said to be the right one? Who has the right to tell you what is bad or wrong? What does that even mean? I guess we all have to figure that out on our own and do things that are ture to our convictions. ;)
Tuesday, 19 December 2017
Sunday, 10 December 2017
Let it snow
Hello there!
I know that this would be one of my less productive or original blogs I´ve written. However, I couldn´t come up with any ideas for today´s blog and as I was sitting in my room just putting my laundry away I looked through the window and guess what it was all WHITE !!!
I know it sounds so dumb and silly but I just absolutely LOOOOOVEEE Xmas time! There´s something about this time of the year that makes me feel like I want to spread love and kindness and just be a better person. You probably wonder, shouldn´t you try to be a better version of yourself every single day? Well, yes I should and I'm trying to fight against all those flaws of mine on a daily basis but Xmas time is just that time that it seems to be easier to be good, kind and caring to people :)
Haha, you must be thinking now that girl is just nuts! You know what, you're probably right. I'm not even sure whether what I'm trying to say is clear to you I hope it is ;)
Anyways, today's post has become more of me being a babbler so I believe that's the right time to finish it :)
Let it snow xxx
I know that this would be one of my less productive or original blogs I´ve written. However, I couldn´t come up with any ideas for today´s blog and as I was sitting in my room just putting my laundry away I looked through the window and guess what it was all WHITE !!!
I know it sounds so dumb and silly but I just absolutely LOOOOOVEEE Xmas time! There´s something about this time of the year that makes me feel like I want to spread love and kindness and just be a better person. You probably wonder, shouldn´t you try to be a better version of yourself every single day? Well, yes I should and I'm trying to fight against all those flaws of mine on a daily basis but Xmas time is just that time that it seems to be easier to be good, kind and caring to people :)
Haha, you must be thinking now that girl is just nuts! You know what, you're probably right. I'm not even sure whether what I'm trying to say is clear to you I hope it is ;)
Anyways, today's post has become more of me being a babbler so I believe that's the right time to finish it :)
Let it snow xxx
Sunday, 3 December 2017
Home sweet home
Hello everybody :)
It's been over a month since I last was in my hometown, actually, I'm not sure whether I can call it a hometown as the place where I live it's a really small village.
Finally, I can take a deep breath and relax, it seems to be so hard to do that in a big city. I find it so hard to switch off my mind and to clear it when I am surrounded by noise, people and constant stress which is caused by all the deadlines that are imposed by others.
If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be actually enjoying life in a middle of nowhere I would have never believed you :) I was raised in a relatively big city so I couldn't picture my life anywhere else.
As I'm getting older, I know sounds a bit funny since I'm 24, I feel like this is my place, the place where I belong, the place where all those little things like the colour of leaves, sunrise, the lake that changes every single day make me feel happy and fulfilled.
I guess it wouldn't be the same If I was forced to live here on a daily basis, I realise that city gives you many different opportunities and commodities, however, I'm still trying to figure out was is it that I really want :)
Anyways, my today's blog feels a bit melancholic, so let me just leave you with that optimistic phrase, which I have probably mentioned before, do more of what makes you feel happy.
It's been over a month since I last was in my hometown, actually, I'm not sure whether I can call it a hometown as the place where I live it's a really small village.
Finally, I can take a deep breath and relax, it seems to be so hard to do that in a big city. I find it so hard to switch off my mind and to clear it when I am surrounded by noise, people and constant stress which is caused by all the deadlines that are imposed by others.
If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be actually enjoying life in a middle of nowhere I would have never believed you :) I was raised in a relatively big city so I couldn't picture my life anywhere else.
As I'm getting older, I know sounds a bit funny since I'm 24, I feel like this is my place, the place where I belong, the place where all those little things like the colour of leaves, sunrise, the lake that changes every single day make me feel happy and fulfilled.
I guess it wouldn't be the same If I was forced to live here on a daily basis, I realise that city gives you many different opportunities and commodities, however, I'm still trying to figure out was is it that I really want :)
Anyways, my today's blog feels a bit melancholic, so let me just leave you with that optimistic phrase, which I have probably mentioned before, do more of what makes you feel happy.
Monday, 27 November 2017
An elephant
Hey there, I´ve recently heard a nice story, which is why today I´d like to write you about it :)
So, there was a boy who often used to go to the circus. He really liked the animals, therefore going to the circus was his favourite thing to do.
So, there was a boy who often used to go to the circus. He really liked the animals, therefore going to the circus was his favourite thing to do.
Once he stayed a little bit longer just to see what happens with that massive elephant that he adored. He admired mostly the strength that it had, however, wasn't little his surprise when he saw his vigorous hero attached to the little stake which tamped down his paws.
The boy couldn't understand why the animal wouldn't just try to escape, if only he tried he would definitely manage to free itself.
It didn't take him a long time to ask his parents, his teacher and friends. Among lack of response, he got only one that he didn't like at all which was that the animal is just well-educated.
Still, the boy couldn't neither understand nor resolve the mystery.
After many years passed one day he, all grown-up now, and his son went to the circus and his little boy asked him the same question, as the father didn't have the answer they went to the elephant keeper.
Without any concern, he replied: Well it doesn't escape because he was attached to that kind of stake since he was very very little. Once he tried but it didn't work so he gave up on it.
Without any concern, he replied: Well it doesn't escape because he was attached to that kind of stake since he was very very little. Once he tried but it didn't work so he gave up on it.
Both father and son pictured an innocent baby elephant pulling so hard in order to escape. But the more it tried the more pain it was causing. So he just stopped doing it.
That massive elephant in the circus doesn't try to escape anymore because it is convinced that it won't be able to. And the worst thing is that the elephant doesn't even question that fact anymore.
Does the story sound familiar?
Aren't we all like that elephant? We're going through our life attached to many stakes that hold us down.
Sometimes all it takes is to give it another shot
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Hello! :)
Couldn't wait to hear from me again, right? Sometimes, I just hope that my teacher is the only person who sees this :)
Anyways, let's go back to the subject that I left you with the last time.
Stress ...
As I mentioned a few days ago there's a common belief that stress could be good or bad or maybe that the way it influences on people's behaviour can be good or bad.
Stress is not good or bad. Strictly speaking, it is all about a reactive mechanism of survival that switches on whenever about brain detects any component of danger or threat to our wellbeing. Through this mechanism, a certain imbalance is generated in our body as well as in our brain. This means that cells in our body will try as hard as they can in order to combat or run away from that danger. That means that we're abusing our body in the way that it needs recovery afterwards. Sadly, such recovery in most of the cases is not given.
So the all problems come from our human nature, considering that we either don't pay enough attention when this mechanism is switched or we're not focusing on the reason why it was produced in a first place not to mention the lack of a vital recovery.
In any case, I believe it is crucial that we understand the whole process in order to lead more relaxed and therefore more fulfilling life :)
Couldn't wait to hear from me again, right? Sometimes, I just hope that my teacher is the only person who sees this :)
Anyways, let's go back to the subject that I left you with the last time.
Stress ...
As I mentioned a few days ago there's a common belief that stress could be good or bad or maybe that the way it influences on people's behaviour can be good or bad.
Stress is not good or bad. Strictly speaking, it is all about a reactive mechanism of survival that switches on whenever about brain detects any component of danger or threat to our wellbeing. Through this mechanism, a certain imbalance is generated in our body as well as in our brain. This means that cells in our body will try as hard as they can in order to combat or run away from that danger. That means that we're abusing our body in the way that it needs recovery afterwards. Sadly, such recovery in most of the cases is not given.
So the all problems come from our human nature, considering that we either don't pay enough attention when this mechanism is switched or we're not focusing on the reason why it was produced in a first place not to mention the lack of a vital recovery.
In any case, I believe it is crucial that we understand the whole process in order to lead more relaxed and therefore more fulfilling life :)
Sunday, 12 November 2017
The brain killer
Hello everyone x
Hope you're not frozen yet, I know it sounds dull and it's the most common thing to say at the moment but it's really cold outside :(
Anyways, today I wanted to bring up a subject of stress. It is something that we all deal with, however, we're not fully aware of its consequences. Even though we're constantly informed by all divergent sources that stress is harmful it seems like we neither pay enough attention nor take precautions.
We've heard somewhere that there are 2 different types of stress or maybe it would be better to say various approaches to stress. Certain people claim that the nervousness and that feeling of tension is a good motivation for them. Apparently, they seem to be more productive when they work under pressure that something has to be done.
There is another group of people who, on the other hand, are incapable of working subjected to stress. Their productivity goes down and no matter how much work they put into obtaining the desired result it seems as if they were deprived of all their capacities.
Regardless of which group you would put yourself in I only wanted to describe you something that I've read recently and that I totally agree with.
In the next post, I'll try to explain it in a few words, but for now, let me leave you with a hint of doubt :)
Hope you're not frozen yet, I know it sounds dull and it's the most common thing to say at the moment but it's really cold outside :(
Anyways, today I wanted to bring up a subject of stress. It is something that we all deal with, however, we're not fully aware of its consequences. Even though we're constantly informed by all divergent sources that stress is harmful it seems like we neither pay enough attention nor take precautions.
We've heard somewhere that there are 2 different types of stress or maybe it would be better to say various approaches to stress. Certain people claim that the nervousness and that feeling of tension is a good motivation for them. Apparently, they seem to be more productive when they work under pressure that something has to be done.
There is another group of people who, on the other hand, are incapable of working subjected to stress. Their productivity goes down and no matter how much work they put into obtaining the desired result it seems as if they were deprived of all their capacities.
Regardless of which group you would put yourself in I only wanted to describe you something that I've read recently and that I totally agree with.
In the next post, I'll try to explain it in a few words, but for now, let me leave you with a hint of doubt :)
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Knowing what you're good at
Hey there!
You know that for the past few post I've been trying to keep my blog as personal as possible. I've decided that it is important to talk about things that are relevant to you/me :)
It has become more of a diary now, hope you don't mind.
I must say, I've had a hard time with coming up with new ideas for today's post, however finally I managed to find something that I could share with you.
Since I hadn't written much about my hobbies, I decided to initiate you a bit more about what my thing is :)
I believe I had told you that I love Spanish, but let's leave that behind for a while.
People tend to have lack of self-confidence, well at least that's what I'm dealing with even though people who don't know me normally consider otherwise.
What's my point? Usually, if someone says oh you look stunning, oh you're such a great singer, you're so clever - the common reaction is to either deny that you are not, or to diminish the power of your capacities. At least that's my case, but I do believe I;m not the only weirdo in here :)
There's one thing that I don't have to feel insecure about and that I actually accept without hesitating. That's dancing. I feel as if I was in a whole different world when I dance. I have never really practised any dance style, however, it is something that I always loved :)
With that said, let me only wish you a lovely day and don't ever forget: hobbies are great, as simple as that :)
You know that for the past few post I've been trying to keep my blog as personal as possible. I've decided that it is important to talk about things that are relevant to you/me :)
It has become more of a diary now, hope you don't mind.
I must say, I've had a hard time with coming up with new ideas for today's post, however finally I managed to find something that I could share with you.
Since I hadn't written much about my hobbies, I decided to initiate you a bit more about what my thing is :)
I believe I had told you that I love Spanish, but let's leave that behind for a while.
People tend to have lack of self-confidence, well at least that's what I'm dealing with even though people who don't know me normally consider otherwise.
What's my point? Usually, if someone says oh you look stunning, oh you're such a great singer, you're so clever - the common reaction is to either deny that you are not, or to diminish the power of your capacities. At least that's my case, but I do believe I;m not the only weirdo in here :)
There's one thing that I don't have to feel insecure about and that I actually accept without hesitating. That's dancing. I feel as if I was in a whole different world when I dance. I have never really practised any dance style, however, it is something that I always loved :)
With that said, let me only wish you a lovely day and don't ever forget: hobbies are great, as simple as that :)
Sunday, 22 October 2017
The three sieve story
Hello there!
It's a rainy Sunday afternoon, as I'm obviously not out I've decided to make a good use of the little extra free time and write something down :)
Last time I left you without the story so I hope that your curiosity has increased since then.
So let's cut to the chase. I've read that story in one book called Powiedz to dobrym słowem by Iwona Majewska-Opiełka and I decided to share it with you.
It's a rainy Sunday afternoon, as I'm obviously not out I've decided to make a good use of the little extra free time and write something down :)
Last time I left you without the story so I hope that your curiosity has increased since then.
So let's cut to the chase. I've read that story in one book called Powiedz to dobrym słowem by Iwona Majewska-Opiełka and I decided to share it with you.
It was a nice sunny day, the old Socrates was walking through the park, when suddenly out of nowhere one man run into him shouting "Socrates there's something you need to know, there's a friend of yours who.."
Hey, wait a seconf - Socrates said. You are about to tell me something, right? Just let me ask you a question did you consider the thing that you want to tell me, and did you put it through the three sieves?"
- The three sieves? The man asked, what are you talking about?
- Ok, then, let me explain - said Socrates.The first sieve is the sieve of truth. Did you check whether what you wanted to tell me is true? Socrates asked.
- Well, actually no, I didn't I just heard it somewhere - the man answered.
- Ah, well then now you should consider the second sieve, the second one is called the sieve of good, after a second - Socrates asked. Do you think that what you want to tell me is good?
-Ehm no not at all, on the contrary, it's a bad news - the man a little bit annoyed already answered.
With a concerned face the wise Socrates said:
- Let's use the third sieve, shall we?
Will it be useful to me, what you are about to tell me, is is it necessary?
- Let's use the third sieve, shall we?
Will it be useful to me, what you are about to tell me, is is it necessary?
- Well, not really - the man said.
- Ok then, I think we already know whether you should tell me what you were going to tell me or not - said with a smile Socrates
If something, isn't true or let alone is made up, it isn't good or necessary, just forget about it. It certainly won't do any good but it might harm somebody, so what's the point?
Hope you'll have a good afternoon!
If something, isn't true or let alone is made up, it isn't good or necessary, just forget about it. It certainly won't do any good but it might harm somebody, so what's the point?
Hope you'll have a good afternoon!
Friday, 13 October 2017
How do you communicate ?
Have you ever tried to say something with a good intention but either you were misunderstood or the way you said it was just wrong and it led to a whole different result that the expected one?
To be continued ...
I bet you have :)
Recently I've been reading, talking and overthinking a lot about of a power of words.
Probably because I read a really interesting and thought-provoking book called Powiedz to dobrym słowem that maybe one day will be summarised in here. Not today though :)
Probably because I read a really interesting and thought-provoking book called Powiedz to dobrym słowem that maybe one day will be summarised in here. Not today though :)
There are so many unnecessary conflicts, fights, anger behind the lack of knowledge how we could communicate in the way that not only we would achieve our goal but also our interlocutor would feel important in the conversation.
Just think about it, how much time do we spend in our life on learning this that we might never use in our life. From the outset, I knew that Physics will never be a part of my life, I mean it obviously is but I won't be the one who anyhow will be studying it. I'm not saying we should have a basic knowledge, but we should we learn difficult formulas that we don't ever understand the meaning.
Just think about it, how much time do we spend in our life on learning this that we might never use in our life. From the outset, I knew that Physics will never be a part of my life, I mean it obviously is but I won't be the one who anyhow will be studying it. I'm not saying we should have a basic knowledge, but we should we learn difficult formulas that we don't ever understand the meaning.
About 80% of our life we are surrounded by people, we need to communicate with our parents, children, friends, colleagues, boss, teachers and I could go on like this for a long time...
Let me ask you something have you ever been taught on how to speak effectively? If yes, then you're that lucky one and congratulations to you if you could put anything of what you've learned in practice.
If you haven't then, unfortunately, you're in the majority.
I strongly believe that communication is a key to a good relationship and relations, therefore we shall all try to improve our skills in order to make our lives easier :)
To be continued ...
Sunday, 8 October 2017
Back to school
Over past couple years that Back to school expression has gained much attention, hasn't it ?. There are back to school outfits, and lookbooks that we can follow on youtube channels, blogs or Instagram photos. on how to dress for that special moment. Nowadays even grocery shops in their ads are using that phrase in order to convince parents that their children need extra food for a lunch as if they haven't already known that, right?
Anyways, that was just a little digression of mine, what I wanted to talk to you about was that going back to a daily routine after holidays is never an easy task.
It is even more painful when that amazing period of not studying or worrying or doing anything that in your subconsciousness appears as negative lasted for entire 3 MONTHS!
Luckily, there's a good news too! End of something pleasant and chirpy can actually be a beginning of a new adventure. I know I might sound way too optimistic, let's face the facts: autumn has come, uni has started, it is raining almost every day plus people are more grumpy and even ruder.
Nevertheless, if only we could see the world in a slightly different perspective. Imagine that this gloomy weather is also an amazing opportunity to take out of the closet your favourite, cosy, oversized sweaters :) It is also a time when you can light all those amazingly smelling candles that give that one of a kind beautiful lighting, there's no better opportunity than rainy weather to watch your favoured movie or read an interesting book. On the other hand, if you are an active person, trust me the unique smell of a fresh rain is sometimes worth getting a bit wet :) Plus who doesn't like to step in the puddles with your wellies on?
I've heard ones there's no bad weather there are only people with bad attitude :)
So, remember autumn/uni/work/ can be as fascinating as holidays it all depends on how badly you want it and what are you willing to do in order to get it :)
Just picture that: Hot chocolate, blanket, colourful leaves, candles ... and it all gets better :)
Goodnight everybody
Anyways, that was just a little digression of mine, what I wanted to talk to you about was that going back to a daily routine after holidays is never an easy task.
It is even more painful when that amazing period of not studying or worrying or doing anything that in your subconsciousness appears as negative lasted for entire 3 MONTHS!
Luckily, there's a good news too! End of something pleasant and chirpy can actually be a beginning of a new adventure. I know I might sound way too optimistic, let's face the facts: autumn has come, uni has started, it is raining almost every day plus people are more grumpy and even ruder.
Nevertheless, if only we could see the world in a slightly different perspective. Imagine that this gloomy weather is also an amazing opportunity to take out of the closet your favourite, cosy, oversized sweaters :) It is also a time when you can light all those amazingly smelling candles that give that one of a kind beautiful lighting, there's no better opportunity than rainy weather to watch your favoured movie or read an interesting book. On the other hand, if you are an active person, trust me the unique smell of a fresh rain is sometimes worth getting a bit wet :) Plus who doesn't like to step in the puddles with your wellies on?
I've heard ones there's no bad weather there are only people with bad attitude :)
So, remember autumn/uni/work/ can be as fascinating as holidays it all depends on how badly you want it and what are you willing to do in order to get it :)
Just picture that: Hot chocolate, blanket, colourful leaves, candles ... and it all gets better :)
Goodnight everybody
Saturday, 10 June 2017
Big little lies
Hello there x
I'm not sure if I've told you that before but I'm a huge soap opera lover. It started when I was little, and I know you'll probably laugh at me, but I did watch telenovelas. In fact, it was the first moment where I felt that Spanish was such a lovely language and that I'd love to learn it. I was around 10 and here I am studying Spanish Philology :)
However, today I wanted to recommend you an American miniseries that captivated me from the very first scene.
Based on the novel called Big Little Lies (what a surprise, right?) written by Liane Moriarty was taken to a big screen thanks to David E. Kelly, the producer.
It consists seven, absolutely addictive episodes, which tell us a story of four mother and their families raising their children in a small, however very money-based, if I can even say that, community.
The whole plot has to do with a murder that is unsolved, and until the end obviously, we don't know who's the murderer and who's the victim. Episode by episode we discover the secrets from the past of every mum and also we follow their present life. In each episode, we connect the dots, which keeps you interested in every single minute of it.
The intrigue, the mystery and stories of four completely different women is the reason why I hold on to my computer and had sleepless nights because I just couldn't stop.
If you're not convinced yet let me just tell you that the main characters are cast by
Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman and Shailene Woodley. I guess that no introduction is needed :)
If you have a spear moment (about an hour) you should definitely watch it, If you don't you should watch it regardless :)
Although I must tell you it is addictive! :)
I'm not sure if I've told you that before but I'm a huge soap opera lover. It started when I was little, and I know you'll probably laugh at me, but I did watch telenovelas. In fact, it was the first moment where I felt that Spanish was such a lovely language and that I'd love to learn it. I was around 10 and here I am studying Spanish Philology :)
However, today I wanted to recommend you an American miniseries that captivated me from the very first scene.
Based on the novel called Big Little Lies (what a surprise, right?) written by Liane Moriarty was taken to a big screen thanks to David E. Kelly, the producer.
It consists seven, absolutely addictive episodes, which tell us a story of four mother and their families raising their children in a small, however very money-based, if I can even say that, community.
The whole plot has to do with a murder that is unsolved, and until the end obviously, we don't know who's the murderer and who's the victim. Episode by episode we discover the secrets from the past of every mum and also we follow their present life. In each episode, we connect the dots, which keeps you interested in every single minute of it.
The intrigue, the mystery and stories of four completely different women is the reason why I hold on to my computer and had sleepless nights because I just couldn't stop.
If you're not convinced yet let me just tell you that the main characters are cast by
Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman and Shailene Woodley. I guess that no introduction is needed :)
If you have a spear moment (about an hour) you should definitely watch it, If you don't you should watch it regardless :)
Although I must tell you it is addictive! :)
Saturday, 3 June 2017
It's weekend, you know how much I love weekends. Well, I don't think there's anyone out there who doesn't like it. Unless you are that unfortunate person who has to work on the weekends. I've been there I've done that, so trust me I know what you feel, especially now when the sun is out and people are doing barbecues.
I believe that it should be banned to work on the weekend but then who would attend us if we end up in the hospital or who would attend all those shopaholics?
Anyways what I wanted to write about is the time.
Many people complain about a hectic day of living. It is obvious that we would want to have more time for leisure and pleasure.
Howeve, I believe it is more about how well we can organise out spear hours rather then how much do we actually have.
All of us, the ones who work, the ones who study, the rich and the poor we all have 24 hours a day.
Just think about how much time do you waist on watching the tv or scrolling Instagram photos or Twitter, huh?
Even the traffic, maybe sometimes under if taking a bus or car to get to work it would be easier or maybe even faster and for sure healthier to cycle wherever it is that you have to go.
There's so many thing that you can be more productive at, little habit that you can change in order to have more time for yourself :)
I'm planning on doing that do thing that I love while doing those less pleasant :)
Like dancing while washing up the dishes for example. Or studying with your best friend on the terrace with a coffee :)
Consider it!
Anyways what I wanted to write about is the time.
Many people complain about a hectic day of living. It is obvious that we would want to have more time for leisure and pleasure.
Howeve, I believe it is more about how well we can organise out spear hours rather then how much do we actually have.
All of us, the ones who work, the ones who study, the rich and the poor we all have 24 hours a day.
Just think about how much time do you waist on watching the tv or scrolling Instagram photos or Twitter, huh?
Even the traffic, maybe sometimes under if taking a bus or car to get to work it would be easier or maybe even faster and for sure healthier to cycle wherever it is that you have to go.
There's so many thing that you can be more productive at, little habit that you can change in order to have more time for yourself :)
I'm planning on doing that do thing that I love while doing those less pleasant :)
Like dancing while washing up the dishes for example. Or studying with your best friend on the terrace with a coffee :)
Consider it!
Sunday, 28 May 2017
Have you ever heard of DIY?
Do you know what that shortcut stands for?
In order to be as specific as you can be, let me give you a proper definition that is taken from Cambridge Dictionary website:
DIY: abbreviation for do-it-yourself: the activity of decorating or repairing your home, or making things for your home yourself, rather than paying someone else to do it for you:
So for me, it's an amazing way of making things by yourself. The internet is full of ideas starting from small flowers decorations up to making your own lightbulb. There's no doubt that some of them might turn out to be such a waste of time, other on the other hand could be a new way of developing your skills.
Certainly, there are things that it is just easier to go and buy at shops, but why would you go and spend money on something that you can make by yourself?
Let me give you an example: Christmas cards, normally they cost you about 2 pounds, however, the fancier they get the more money you'll have to spend. Why don't you make your own card? Trust me not only you will have fun, but also the person that one day receives that kind of gift will appreciate way more as the effort that you put in making it will be seen at first sight :) Obviously some of the DIY ideas; such as making your own speaker, not to mention all those precious decorations, are only reserved for those people who are either mechanically or manually talented. However, nowadays you can learn almost anything, as you have guides that show you step by step what to do. So, why not give it a shot?
Monday, 22 May 2017
There's no place like home ...
They say that there's no place like home, right?
I often get that feeling of anger or maybe sadness after a nice trip which I to would call a post trip syndrome.
I could describe it as the first state of a slight depression that we might suffer after being abroad. Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be abroad but somewhere where we felt like in heaven.
So, I've just come back from one of those places that made me feel like that and I realised that, each time, after being somewhere else I catch myself on being sad, let alone depressed.
Why does that happen? Is it because you had such a great time wherever you were or maybe because it was just a clear out for your mind? Does it have to do with the place you chose to travel to or maybe with the company you were surrounded by?
What if there's always that feeling inside of you that you don't belong to any of those places, what if you can't really stand living in one city for a long period of time?
I guess that what if could go on forever. Nevertheless, I know that wherever I go I leave there a little piece of my heart, and anytime I can easily recall that little box, that we all have inside of us, that is full of memories, and just make myself feel better.
And even though people say you shouldn't hold on to memories I believe that this is the one thing that can never be taken away from us, which makes it very special and unique.
As always I end up talking about something else then I wanted to write about first.
I hope that at least in parts you were able to understand what I was trying to tell you :)
Have a good night x
I often get that feeling of anger or maybe sadness after a nice trip which I to would call a post trip syndrome.
I could describe it as the first state of a slight depression that we might suffer after being abroad. Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be abroad but somewhere where we felt like in heaven.
So, I've just come back from one of those places that made me feel like that and I realised that, each time, after being somewhere else I catch myself on being sad, let alone depressed.
Why does that happen? Is it because you had such a great time wherever you were or maybe because it was just a clear out for your mind? Does it have to do with the place you chose to travel to or maybe with the company you were surrounded by?
What if there's always that feeling inside of you that you don't belong to any of those places, what if you can't really stand living in one city for a long period of time?
I guess that what if could go on forever. Nevertheless, I know that wherever I go I leave there a little piece of my heart, and anytime I can easily recall that little box, that we all have inside of us, that is full of memories, and just make myself feel better.
And even though people say you shouldn't hold on to memories I believe that this is the one thing that can never be taken away from us, which makes it very special and unique.
As always I end up talking about something else then I wanted to write about first.
I hope that at least in parts you were able to understand what I was trying to tell you :)
Have a good night x
Friday, 12 May 2017
I remember someone told me once the less you know the better.
I was on the train, had so much time to think, in fact, it was more overthinking rather than thinking. Anyways, the sentence that I mention above crossed my mind and I thought I wish sometimes I didn't know as much as I do. Sounds really mysterious, doesn't it? Well, I'm not really trying to discover anything new by saying that, I just know that many times to know is leading to misery. Why is that?
Do you recall my previous blog where I said that travelling is not as amazing as everyone is telling us? Same happens with knowledge, at least it does happen to me every now and then.
I do like History, and I believe that it is important to know where you're coming from, what are your roots, who were your ancestors and what did they believe in. However, I get this shiver when I'm reading next book about Holocaust or Spanish Civil War or any other book that reminds us of the cruelty that a human being was and yet is able to commit. That kind of books make me question my life my beliefs, which is good, nevertheless, they make me feel sad. I realise it sounds trivial, but by knowing more and more I loose something that should never be taken away from us, hope.
Hope that we are able to create a better life and world for ourselves.
It probably appears highly pessimistic, but every day we are surrounded by negativity.
Our friends, family, the news they all are mostly transmitting bad information, not the good one.
Do I want that for myself? I know it is inevitable, and certainly, it is up to me whether I let that affect me or nor, but sometimes I just feel like if only I lived in a lost house somewhere in the woods.
I would probably grow my own vegetables, I would probably go for long walks, I would enjoy every single minute, you know why? Because I simply wouldn't know that there is something else out there.
I wouldn't compare that the river here is uglier than the river in Spain. That we have less sunny days than Italy does, that my friend earns more money even though she doesn't even have a degree.
What is more, I wouldn't know what cruelty means because I wouldn't have anyone to show or teach me what it is. However, I also would what love is and within ten nasty people I would never get to know 1 person who is worth fighting for.
Is it better not to know? I have no clue, but the idea of leaving everything behind even if it was only for 2/3 days does sound tempting!
No phone, no facebook, no friends, no family, no books just you and nature.
Well, we would probably go nuts after couple of days, but it is worth giving a try :)
Good night x
I was on the train, had so much time to think, in fact, it was more overthinking rather than thinking. Anyways, the sentence that I mention above crossed my mind and I thought I wish sometimes I didn't know as much as I do. Sounds really mysterious, doesn't it? Well, I'm not really trying to discover anything new by saying that, I just know that many times to know is leading to misery. Why is that?
Do you recall my previous blog where I said that travelling is not as amazing as everyone is telling us? Same happens with knowledge, at least it does happen to me every now and then.
I do like History, and I believe that it is important to know where you're coming from, what are your roots, who were your ancestors and what did they believe in. However, I get this shiver when I'm reading next book about Holocaust or Spanish Civil War or any other book that reminds us of the cruelty that a human being was and yet is able to commit. That kind of books make me question my life my beliefs, which is good, nevertheless, they make me feel sad. I realise it sounds trivial, but by knowing more and more I loose something that should never be taken away from us, hope.
Hope that we are able to create a better life and world for ourselves.
It probably appears highly pessimistic, but every day we are surrounded by negativity.
Our friends, family, the news they all are mostly transmitting bad information, not the good one.
Do I want that for myself? I know it is inevitable, and certainly, it is up to me whether I let that affect me or nor, but sometimes I just feel like if only I lived in a lost house somewhere in the woods.
I would probably grow my own vegetables, I would probably go for long walks, I would enjoy every single minute, you know why? Because I simply wouldn't know that there is something else out there.
I wouldn't compare that the river here is uglier than the river in Spain. That we have less sunny days than Italy does, that my friend earns more money even though she doesn't even have a degree.
What is more, I wouldn't know what cruelty means because I wouldn't have anyone to show or teach me what it is. However, I also would what love is and within ten nasty people I would never get to know 1 person who is worth fighting for.
Is it better not to know? I have no clue, but the idea of leaving everything behind even if it was only for 2/3 days does sound tempting!
No phone, no facebook, no friends, no family, no books just you and nature.
Well, we would probably go nuts after couple of days, but it is worth giving a try :)
Good night x
Saturday, 6 May 2017
It´s Saturday again!! :)
I caught myself thinking today about all those breathtaking places. Unfortunately, as a person who still belongs to a young-ish generation, I do have Instagram and it is full of photos of the places that are just incredible. I could stare at them forever!
I caught myself thinking today about all those breathtaking places. Unfortunately, as a person who still belongs to a young-ish generation, I do have Instagram and it is full of photos of the places that are just incredible. I could stare at them forever!
I'm just really into nature, lake, sea, forest it just makes me so peaceful. However, this is not exactly what I want to write about.
Have you ever had that feeling like the more you travel the more unquenchable you are? Well, I have, in fact, I often have that feeling.
As you may have noticed there are many people who would tell you how amazing the travelling is, not me though I'm here to tell you that it it not as wonderful as it seems.
You're probably thinking I'm nuts but just think for a second...
You're probably thinking I'm nuts but just think for a second...
Are you getting my point yet? Nope, ok let me explain.
What they don't tell you is that once you start, once you see the beauty of the "difference" you'll never be able to stop!
You want to explore more and more and you have never enough!
You want to explore more and more and you have never enough!
You start to feel that your life is not long enough and you'll never be able to see what the world has yet to offer :)
Obviously, I'm a little bit of a joker here, nevertheless, I do believe in bits in what I've written :)
Have a good day x
Obviously, I'm a little bit of a joker here, nevertheless, I do believe in bits in what I've written :)
Have a good day x
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Just do it
Just do it
This sentence is mostly associated with nike brand, isn´t it? Straightaway we connect it with a workout, with strength or with being fit? Do you agree with me on that? Recently people got caught up in that fit freak revolution that they tend to forget that just do it doesn't have to mean move your bum and do some exercise. There's no doubt that workout is good for you. I'm not trying to question that, what is more, I'm also a person who tries to go jogging or at least go for a walk as it helps me to clear my mind. However, today I'd like to tell you that any dream that you have anything that you wish for the smallest desire that you have JUST DO IT!
I know it will sound silly since it's me who's saying that and, oh well I'm only 24 and what could I possibly know right? Nevertheless, I heard that sentence somewhere and I truly love it!
There's nothing worst then wake up one day being old and realise that there's something that you haven't done, haven't tried, haven't experienced.
I'm aware of the fact that many of those dreams that we have are quite hard to achieve, as the is involved, however, think about it in this way: the more you try closer you get to your goal. What's more, many times on the way of getting what you want you learn so many different things, you get to know amazing people, you gain experience and this, my dear is priceless.
I remember when I was I high school I used to envy my friends that they would go to all those language courses abroad, and my family simply couldn't afford it. I used to think that I would never be able to come to the level of English that they had, and here I am I know 3 different languages.
I still keep in my mind that feeling of pride when I went to Spain and I paid all the trip for my own earned money.
There were so many things I was afraid to do because either I thought that I wasn't good enough or I was terrified that I would fail. And I did fail sometimes, but guess what it was all worth it!!! I met amazing people I developed as a human being and I don't regret a single second of it.
ou probably wonder what is it that I did. Well, I might tell you anytime soon :)
For now, just hear me out: JUST DO IT !!!
This sentence is mostly associated with nike brand, isn´t it? Straightaway we connect it with a workout, with strength or with being fit? Do you agree with me on that? Recently people got caught up in that fit freak revolution that they tend to forget that just do it doesn't have to mean move your bum and do some exercise. There's no doubt that workout is good for you. I'm not trying to question that, what is more, I'm also a person who tries to go jogging or at least go for a walk as it helps me to clear my mind. However, today I'd like to tell you that any dream that you have anything that you wish for the smallest desire that you have JUST DO IT!
I know it will sound silly since it's me who's saying that and, oh well I'm only 24 and what could I possibly know right? Nevertheless, I heard that sentence somewhere and I truly love it!
There's nothing worst then wake up one day being old and realise that there's something that you haven't done, haven't tried, haven't experienced.
I'm aware of the fact that many of those dreams that we have are quite hard to achieve, as the is involved, however, think about it in this way: the more you try closer you get to your goal. What's more, many times on the way of getting what you want you learn so many different things, you get to know amazing people, you gain experience and this, my dear is priceless.
I remember when I was I high school I used to envy my friends that they would go to all those language courses abroad, and my family simply couldn't afford it. I used to think that I would never be able to come to the level of English that they had, and here I am I know 3 different languages.
I still keep in my mind that feeling of pride when I went to Spain and I paid all the trip for my own earned money.
There were so many things I was afraid to do because either I thought that I wasn't good enough or I was terrified that I would fail. And I did fail sometimes, but guess what it was all worth it!!! I met amazing people I developed as a human being and I don't regret a single second of it.
ou probably wonder what is it that I did. Well, I might tell you anytime soon :)
For now, just hear me out: JUST DO IT !!!
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Self -love
From the outset, we are taught that loving yourself is about being narcissistic. Therefore, instead of self-acceptance and self-love, we develop in our consciousness self-hatred as it is better to be miserable than to be aware of your own value.
I imagine that it might seem like I'm overreacting, but deep down you probably agree with me, our society don't appreciate people who are openly talking about their virtues or success. They are considered to be big-headed. The biggest value seems to be only contributed to modesty.
I do believe that being modest is an excellent quality, however, it is to often mistaken with being austere with yourself.
But, let's cut to the chase!
First thing first I need to mention that self-acceptance is a constant process it's not something that you can attain from one day to another. I believe that people should question and ponder themselves whether they do accept fully and unconditionally who they really are. Which means that not only we accept the good parts but also those bad ones.
Many times we don't like certain parts of ourselves, like those ones where we have fears or anxieties or different flaws. However, we ought to be aware of its existence in order to change it. Nothing will ever improve if you'll be constantly judging yourself. It's like this vicious circle. Think about it this way all that energy that we are consuming on judging, criticising ourselves we could be doing so many different creative things :)
So, do not think that loving yourself is necessarily a bad thing, when you do it in order to improve yourself there's nothing wrong with that
Have a good day x
I imagine that it might seem like I'm overreacting, but deep down you probably agree with me, our society don't appreciate people who are openly talking about their virtues or success. They are considered to be big-headed. The biggest value seems to be only contributed to modesty.
I do believe that being modest is an excellent quality, however, it is to often mistaken with being austere with yourself.
But, let's cut to the chase!
First thing first I need to mention that self-acceptance is a constant process it's not something that you can attain from one day to another. I believe that people should question and ponder themselves whether they do accept fully and unconditionally who they really are. Which means that not only we accept the good parts but also those bad ones.
Many times we don't like certain parts of ourselves, like those ones where we have fears or anxieties or different flaws. However, we ought to be aware of its existence in order to change it. Nothing will ever improve if you'll be constantly judging yourself. It's like this vicious circle. Think about it this way all that energy that we are consuming on judging, criticising ourselves we could be doing so many different creative things :)
So, do not think that loving yourself is necessarily a bad thing, when you do it in order to improve yourself there's nothing wrong with that
Have a good day x
Monday, 3 April 2017
Moaning :(
Hello there !!!!
It's almost 11pm and I'm already lying in my bed and, as stupid as it sounds, I thought why not write a blog??? :)
I've been thinking about it a lot recently, as this is something that really bothers me.
They say that the think that we most hate in other people is our biggest flaw.
In this case is seems to be true for me :)
I do not appreciate people moaning anywhere close to me :) It's just one of that think that strongly impacts out humor/ wellbeing. You're like that sponge that absorbs all the negativity...
I'd love to know how to fight that feeling of being down and trying to put blame on everything rather then yourself!
You're creating your own life, we shall all remember that. However, I know how hard it gets, I feel like I'm moaning and complaining all the time, which I'm certainly not proud of.
I'd love to know how to fight it? Any ideas??
For now I'm off, hopefully next time I'll have the answer for that question.
Have a good night :)
It's almost 11pm and I'm already lying in my bed and, as stupid as it sounds, I thought why not write a blog??? :)
I've been thinking about it a lot recently, as this is something that really bothers me.
They say that the think that we most hate in other people is our biggest flaw.
In this case is seems to be true for me :)
I do not appreciate people moaning anywhere close to me :) It's just one of that think that strongly impacts out humor/ wellbeing. You're like that sponge that absorbs all the negativity...
I'd love to know how to fight that feeling of being down and trying to put blame on everything rather then yourself!
You're creating your own life, we shall all remember that. However, I know how hard it gets, I feel like I'm moaning and complaining all the time, which I'm certainly not proud of.
I'd love to know how to fight it? Any ideas??
For now I'm off, hopefully next time I'll have the answer for that question.
Have a good night :)
Saturday, 25 March 2017
Hello everybody x

It's Saturday, don't you all just love Saturdays?!
It's a day when you finally get to have some rest and you can dedicate all the 24 hours, that a day has, to yourself.
You can do whatever you want, without hesitating whether you have any duties or not :)
While thinking on what could I possibly write about today one book crossed my mind. :)
It's called Marley&me.
I feel as if it was today when I was 13 and my mum told me Alex get dressed we're going to pick up a dog. I was like mum WHAAAAT? I had been asking my mum for a dog since forever and she was constantly saying no, when one day she just said let's go.
Norka was only 2 months back then, she wasn't even called Norka yet.
I knew from the first glance I took at her, that exactly it would be her, out of 5 other puppies that were running around like mad.
We weren't prepared AT ALL to become a new owner of a Labrador, in fact I knew nothing about that breed, besides the fact that they're really friendly to people.
I can still remember that pong in the car when she pooped on our way back home. HAHA now when I recall that memory it's hilarious but back then I was terrified.
I could never calculate how much money was wasted on all the things that she ate.
you would have never thought what those things were, since those obvious once such as food left on the table, cushions, shoes through phones, cables, books and yes, she even learned how to open the door to the bathroom flip over the laundry basket and bring out the smelly panties. Oh I know ... :)
There were so many damages !!!!!! Sometimes I really thought I wouldn't take it any longer.
However, it all was vanished by all the laugh I had with that dog, all the love that she brought into my life. I would have never thought that you can actually love an animal that much, and I was always an animal lover.
Even my grandma and my sister they both hated dogs, let alone they were afraid of them, but Nora has stolen their heart.
Norka is 10 and she's a senior now, she no longer make any mess but she's still adorable even though she sleeps almost all the time.
They say a dog is your best friend I don't agree because Nora is certainly something more then that to me !!!
Oh, I've totally forgotten!!! The BOOK !!!
Marley&me is a story about a family that also has a Labrador.
I'm not going to say anything more as you should definitely read that book the big laughter is guaranteed!
Well, if you are not a book lover then watch a movie :)
Friday, 10 March 2017
Who would you like to be ?
It´s been a couple months now since I´ve started my new job as a teacher.
I give Spanish classes in a language school. It´s been really amazing, to be honest.
I give Spanish classes in a language school. It´s been really amazing, to be honest.
If only you´d asked to be a year or a few years ago I´d tell you that the last thing I wanted to do was teaching. However, now I´m really enjoying it.
When people are really excited or they´re sincerely having fun during your lessons you can see them interacting it kind of makes you feel like you want to keep on doing that.
When people are really excited or they´re sincerely having fun during your lessons you can see them interacting it kind of makes you feel like you want to keep on doing that.
I consider myself as a person who has to work with people, I could even call myself a vampire as I charge my batteries with the energy that people give me.
I know that this enthusiasm might disappear the second I will have to deal with THOSE kind of people - I guess I don´t have to explain what I mean by those, however now I feel like I´m in the exact place where I should be now like God, Karma or the Universe (call it as you want) has it all planned and it just feels good :)
I'm planning on doing something else in the future, as silly as it sounds I've always wanted to be an actress, but so far I'm glad that I have that opportunity :)
Have a great day :)
I'm planning on doing something else in the future, as silly as it sounds I've always wanted to be an actress, but so far I'm glad that I have that opportunity :)
Have a great day :)
Saturday, 4 March 2017
Writing a blog sometimes might appear as if you were writing a diary.
Guess what that´s exactly what I´m going to do today.
Well almost, because normally you´d describe a day that you had but I´ll do it in a reversed way. I´ll tell you what I´m going to do.
Since it´s weekend and the sun is out right after I finish this post I will put my jacket on and go outside.
I believe that all of you are going crazy when those first sunbeams emerge and so do I :)
Spring is just around the corner and Spring it's definitely my favourite time of the year!!
So I'll quickly go to Marks and Spencer as they have THE BEST peanut butter (the crunchy one) and I'm a huge lover of peanut butter !!! I really hope they won't close down that shop (I had heard they might)
Then I'll go and pick up my best friend from work and we'll go to the most beautiful park in town and we will enjoy all the nature that's in there! :)
We're planning on doing a healthy salad but knowing us we will end up in any pizzeria and afterwards, we will complain about how much we've eaten and how full we are.
If it stays hot I'd love to go for a run, I'm not sure if I'd mentioned it before but I love to run; it helps me to release gathered throughout all the week stress and clears my head from the negative thoughts!
Last year I run like 3 up to 5 times a week, however now I'm a bit lazy but I hope to go back to old good patterns :)
Last year I run like 3 up to 5 times a week, however now I'm a bit lazy but I hope to go back to old good patterns :)
Evening: probably we (me and me friend - did I mention she's my flatmate?) will watch our favourite series!
Anyways, I have to go now x
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Good afternoon everybody!
I didn't really have any idea of what could I possibly write about today.
So I thought that I would write about nothing.
Yes, as bad as it sounds I hope it won't be that boring.
Nothing, a very common word, isn't it?
Hey, what's up? - Nothing
What are you doing? - Nothing
What are you angry about? - Nothing
If I put it that way it looks as if nothing was a negative word, however, I want to talk to you about its positive aspect.
Let me put it straight - doing nothing sometimes is necessary.

We live in a very demanding society. We are expected to have a great job, earn much money, be good parents, have amazing relations with everybody and at the same time we should stay fit, be clever, smiling and cheerful all the time.
There are days, where you feel like doing nothing, and your mind is telling you: you can't be lazy, you have to do something!
I dear you - DO NOTHING!
In my opinion, from time to time it is vital that you spoil yourself with one day of doing absolutely nothing that is work or uni based.
If you feel like your body is telling slow down, listen to it! Staying in bed, wearing your jogging bottoms, not putting your make-up on and watching your favourite series could be exactly what you need, and it doesn't have to necessarily be a waste of time. It could be your way of recovering. So sometimes take a break and chill!!!
You don't have to live up to people's expectations, sometimes taking a one step backwards could mean going two forwards :)
Allow yourself sometimes s to do nothing.
It won't affect your overall results, but it can help to clear your mind from negative thoughts.
I hope that this gloomy day isn't as bad as it looks like
Alex :)
I didn't really have any idea of what could I possibly write about today.
So I thought that I would write about nothing.
Yes, as bad as it sounds I hope it won't be that boring.
Nothing, a very common word, isn't it?
Hey, what's up? - Nothing
What are you doing? - Nothing
What are you angry about? - Nothing
If I put it that way it looks as if nothing was a negative word, however, I want to talk to you about its positive aspect.
Let me put it straight - doing nothing sometimes is necessary.
We live in a very demanding society. We are expected to have a great job, earn much money, be good parents, have amazing relations with everybody and at the same time we should stay fit, be clever, smiling and cheerful all the time.
There are days, where you feel like doing nothing, and your mind is telling you: you can't be lazy, you have to do something!
I dear you - DO NOTHING!
In my opinion, from time to time it is vital that you spoil yourself with one day of doing absolutely nothing that is work or uni based.
If you feel like your body is telling slow down, listen to it! Staying in bed, wearing your jogging bottoms, not putting your make-up on and watching your favourite series could be exactly what you need, and it doesn't have to necessarily be a waste of time. It could be your way of recovering. So sometimes take a break and chill!!!
You don't have to live up to people's expectations, sometimes taking a one step backwards could mean going two forwards :)
Allow yourself sometimes s to do nothing.
It won't affect your overall results, but it can help to clear your mind from negative thoughts.
I hope that this gloomy day isn't as bad as it looks like
Alex :)
Saturday, 11 February 2017
Exams Exams
Hello there! It's been a very long month and I'm so glad it's finally over!
End of January and the beginning of February for all student is a very tough period of time. Lack of sleep, junk food and stress is not a good combination. Anyways, we all have to deal with it so I'm not gonna complain.
So finally I'm done with all the exams, on Wednesday I had my last one, and today I've just finished writing quite a demanding essay. I'm really proud of myself for doing so.
Well, today I wanted to talk to you about something that I can really cope with. I think I might have anger issues or something, the worst part is that my mum always says that that's part of my personality and it makes me who I am and therefore I'm also authentic and honest with people and she also says that there are good and bad parts of being a choleric individual*. However, I know that so many times I have to bite my tongue (not really sure if that expression exists in English, oh I've just checked it does ) in order not to say what I mean.
'Alex first think then speak up' - another thing my mum used to say to me
I'm such a blabber! Only because I'm writing about myself... whenever it comes to writing about something important or uni based It's not that easy.
EXAMS - that's what I wanted to write about.
In brief, I'm so not okay with the structure of exams. I don't know who decided that evaluating your ability, on whatever subject English or PE, doesn't really matter which one, should be based on ONE just ONE exam???
People are stressed enough just by knowing that this EXAM will take place, and what about people who are ill, what about people who can have a really crappy day?
I guess I would like to see and judge the process of developing someone's skills not one day of his life.
I'm just thinking now, maybe Maths exams are the only ones which are actually fair, you either learned to do something or not.
Think about Polish set book based tests, someone who actually read the book won't remember the details, he will remember the plot.
The one that read only the résumé will remember all those details, as he has less to remember.
So why do they ask about the details?? It's just funny you know.
Me for example, I always have a hard time with any language exams, even though I can understand entirely the text or the most of it, those questions, I don't know they're just weird.
Sometimes I just feel so dumb not being able to answer them correctly. The worst part is that I'm asking my friends and they're like 'Oh it was so hard I'm not sure of any answer, but B sounded more convincing then A' And guess what? They were right :D Why can I never choose the right one ? :)
Does that really check your level of language? I don't know :)
Someone who works all year round will be evaluated on the same basis like someone who hasn't done anything? I guess it should be summed up somehow. I'm not trying to be a know-it-all but all I know is that I wouldn't like to be someone who is forced to do so.
Anyways, it's just my opinion.
That has been gathering through all my school and university, nothing new.
I'm just wondering what other people think :)

Best of luck to everybody, I hope you are having an awesome winter break
*** I've found a very funny word spitfire and I thought I would share it with you
spitfire -a quick-tempered or highly excitable person
Saturday, 14 January 2017
That common word :)
pursuit of happiness
Instead of letting go we’re attached to many things that are a source of
stress and pain. Maybe today is the day you should start to slowly fight them?
Are you ready to read some little tips that will allow you to have a happier life?
do this!
Abandon the inner voice that is telling you to always
be right.
Many of us can’t even think of the possibility that they could be wrong. However, none of us are infallible. Is it worth to risk a valuable relationship in order to make our egos content?
Many of us can’t even think of the possibility that they could be wrong. However, none of us are infallible. Is it worth to risk a valuable relationship in order to make our egos content?
Get rid of negative thoughts about yourself.
Most of those thoughts are irrational or unjustifiable and what is more they’re auto-destructive. Just think about it: you should NEVER let those thoughts to define you.
They say, in order to make people love you, first you need to love yourself.
Most of those thoughts are irrational or unjustifiable and what is more they’re auto-destructive. Just think about it: you should NEVER let those thoughts to define you.
They say, in order to make people love you, first you need to love yourself.
Change convictions that are constricting you.
Stop dividing things into those that you can do and those that for sure you won’t be able to attain. Don’t let the lack of self-esteem stop you from dreaming.
Stop dividing things into those that you can do and those that for sure you won’t be able to attain. Don’t let the lack of self-esteem stop you from dreaming.
Stop moaning and complaining.
Are you constantly complaining about people, situations that are making your life miserable or making you feel unsatisfied, unhappy or sad? Those are not the reasons why you’re feeling like that. The real guilt in here is your way of perceiving reality. Nothing can make you sad or depressed, unless you’ll allow it to do so.
Are you constantly complaining about people, situations that are making your life miserable or making you feel unsatisfied, unhappy or sad? Those are not the reasons why you’re feeling like that. The real guilt in here is your way of perceiving reality. Nothing can make you sad or depressed, unless you’ll allow it to do so.
Criticising others is not a solution.
Stop rejecting things that are different, atypical or unusual. We are all so different and so similar at the same time. for instance, think about the need of acceptance for every human you encounter.
Stop rejecting things that are different, atypical or unusual. We are all so different and so similar at the same time. for instance, think about the need of acceptance for every human you encounter.
Learn how to conquer your fears
Franklin D. Roosevelt said: ‘Only thing we have to fear is fear itself’
you’re the one who can control whether you’ll let the fear dominate you or not.
I know that this one might be a hard one to achieve but think about it this way: fear is something that is created by none but you thus you.
Franklin D. Roosevelt said: ‘Only thing we have to fear is fear itself’
you’re the one who can control whether you’ll let the fear dominate you or not.
I know that this one might be a hard one to achieve but think about it this way: fear is something that is created by none but you thus you.
Let go of the past
The presence is
all that you have! We can regret our past but you can’t change it. |You can mould
your future and you can dream about it. However, you can’t plan it. The present
is only time where you can actually live, so MAKE THE MOST OF IT!!!
At the end, let me just recommend you one amazing
movie which, by the way, is one of my favourite ones. It’s a story of a man who
never gives up on his dreams. I won’t tell you more as I think you should
definitely check it out for yourself!!!
It is called The pursuit of happiness.
It is called The pursuit of happiness.
Friday, 6 January 2017
20 pounds
there, today I've had a bit of a rough day. Normally I don’t like to be negative
but sometimes it seems like the whole world is against you…
Then I remember: don’t give up no matter what! don’t ever give up!
Recently I've heard a really beautiful story that I would love to share it with you guys
A university
professor came to one of his lectures and as he saw his students really
unmotivated he suddenly picked up a 20 pound note from his back pocket. There
were about hundred students in his class, so he asked who would like to get
that note. Obviously all of the hundred students attending his lecture raised
their hand. The professor said: oh,
that’s interesting although I’m not surprised. Let me ask you something else… he took that 20 pound note and he
folded it into half and then asked again: how
many of you still want this note? Once more all the students raised their
hand .
Let me try something else… continued the professor. He took
the note and just as badly as he could he crumpled it and he asked: How many of you want this note now? Still
all those hands went up. Eventually he chucked it on the floor he screwed it
with his shoe and crumpled it more he picked it back up. He looked at it and
said… this 20 pound note is full of dirt
it is smashed so I ask you again: How many of you want this note? For the
last time all hands went up and looked at them and he said
Today you’ve learned a really important lesson. No matter how much I scrunched up and destroyed that note, how many times it was trodden on you still wanted it because it still had its value. So just like this 20 pounds note was still worth 20 pounds so are you! No matter how many failures you have, no matter how bad life treats you, no matter how much you mess up you still have your value.
Today you’ve learned a really important lesson. No matter how much I scrunched up and destroyed that note, how many times it was trodden on you still wanted it because it still had its value. So just like this 20 pounds note was still worth 20 pounds so are you! No matter how many failures you have, no matter how bad life treats you, no matter how much you mess up you still have your value.
The knowledge and
experience that you gain, the wisdom that you attain the person that you become
that can never be taken away from you.
The clothes
that you wear are not important, how much money there is in your bank account
or what kind of car you drive because our value is not created by those material
things it is the value of you as a person what really matters!
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