Hello there! It's been a very long month and I'm so glad it's finally over!
End of January and the beginning of February for all student is a very tough period of time. Lack of sleep, junk food and stress is not a good combination. Anyways, we all have to deal with it so I'm not gonna complain.
So finally I'm done with all the exams, on Wednesday I had my last one, and today I've just finished writing quite a demanding essay. I'm really proud of myself for doing so.
Well, today I wanted to talk to you about something that I can really cope with. I think I might have anger issues or something, the worst part is that my mum always says that that's part of my personality and it makes me who I am and therefore I'm also authentic and honest with people and she also says that there are good and bad parts of being a choleric individual*. However, I know that so many times I have to bite my tongue (not really sure if that expression exists in English, oh I've just checked it does ) in order not to say what I mean.
'Alex first think then speak up' - another thing my mum used to say to me
I'm such a blabber! Only because I'm writing about myself... whenever it comes to writing about something important or uni based It's not that easy.
EXAMS - that's what I wanted to write about.
In brief, I'm so not okay with the structure of exams. I don't know who decided that evaluating your ability, on whatever subject English or PE, doesn't really matter which one, should be based on ONE just ONE exam???
People are stressed enough just by knowing that this EXAM will take place, and what about people who are ill, what about people who can have a really crappy day?
I guess I would like to see and judge the process of developing someone's skills not one day of his life.
I'm just thinking now, maybe Maths exams are the only ones which are actually fair, you either learned to do something or not.
Think about Polish set book based tests, someone who actually read the book won't remember the details, he will remember the plot.
The one that read only the résumé will remember all those details, as he has less to remember.
So why do they ask about the details?? It's just funny you know.
Me for example, I always have a hard time with any language exams, even though I can understand entirely the text or the most of it, those questions, I don't know they're just weird.
Sometimes I just feel so dumb not being able to answer them correctly. The worst part is that I'm asking my friends and they're like 'Oh it was so hard I'm not sure of any answer, but B sounded more convincing then A' And guess what? They were right :D Why can I never choose the right one ? :)
Does that really check your level of language? I don't know :)
Someone who works all year round will be evaluated on the same basis like someone who hasn't done anything? I guess it should be summed up somehow. I'm not trying to be a know-it-all but all I know is that I wouldn't like to be someone who is forced to do so.
Anyways, it's just my opinion.
That has been gathering through all my school and university, nothing new.
I'm just wondering what other people think :)

Best of luck to everybody, I hope you are having an awesome winter break
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