Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Being trapped

Hello everyone x
It's been a while now ;)
It's a gloomy Tuesday afternoon and I can't help the feeling of being a little bit overwhelmed. Nothing to be worried about as I guess it's quite normal.
I was thinking that recently I've been doing all the things that I'm supposed to do not the things that I'd like to do. Even when it comes to reading a book I choose those that supposedly are the intelligent ones. It just sometimes feels like as you're getting older and as you go further with your studies you are expected to be educated which stands for using accurate language, behave in the way that is imposed by others and even sometimes you are obliged to think what the others think. If that was bilateral conversation you'd probably say that I have all the rights to think on my own and do whatever I want. But let's be honest, do I really? You can't really say whatever is on your mind and neither you can do whatever you want. That's why sometimes I have this feeling of being trapped as you have to behave in the way that is said to be the right one? Who has the right to tell you what is bad or wrong? What does that even mean? I guess we all have to figure that out on our own and do things that are ture to our convictions. ;)

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