Saturday, 12 November 2016

Exercising you brain

Exercising you brain

Did you know that you can exercise you brain?

We’ve heard so many times that exercise is good for your body and overall health but have you ever heard that our brain just like others organs in our body in order to stay healthy needs regular exercise?
Studies show that you can boost your brainpower with simple activities, and guess what, it doesn’t matter what age you are.
There are 4 different areas of mental activity:               

* number skills

As I know that most of my readers are studying some kind of philology let’s focus first on:

*language : Do you find learning vocabulary difficult or maybe you enjoy underlining new words and writing them down to add to your word list? Like it or not it’s one of the best and most effective exercises to keep you mentally alert. Plus the more new vocabulary you use the more people will notice it and trust me using a sophisticated vocabulary is a sign of intelligence and wisdom.

Small exercise to  start with : get yourself a good dictionary, check even those words that you think you know on the side write down synonyms  it will approve your abilities to communicate with more specific language.  At least but not last read many books it will automatically increase your intuition and sense of good grammar

*Number skills – nowadays everyone is using a calculator and I guess you’re happy that you left those long hours of Maths behind but counting in your head is amazing when it comes to memorising things. One exercise that you should keep in your mind is : whenever you go shopping try to sum up how much you’ll be spending on the counter. Not only it will help your budget but also It will keep your brain fit

*Reasoning skills – Are you familiar with logically valid argument and an invalid one?  You might be confused as normally : when conclusion is reached people tend to think that it is logic but careful it’s not about the fact that conclusion is reached but  how it is reached
The conclusion should always follow the premises.
And oh well, sorry to say that but you don’t have to always agree with it

*Creative skills – What does creative even mean? Where is the limit of being or not being creative? Many of us can ask themselves if we are or not creative but let me say something all of us have some talents but being creative is knowing how to develop talent into skills.
A good exercise for creativity : when you do something often try to do it in a different way, for example when you’re cooking a typical dish when you’d normally use a recipe this time try to make it your own way by adding new ingredients . It might turn up worst than usually but what if it will be a new mouth-watering version of your old dish – it’s worth giving a shot ! 

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