I didn't really have any idea of what could I possibly write about today.
So I thought that I would write about nothing.
Yes, as bad as it sounds I hope it won't be that boring.
Nothing, a very common word, isn't it?
Hey, what's up? - Nothing
What are you doing? - Nothing
What are you angry about? - Nothing
If I put it that way it looks as if nothing was a negative word, however, I want to talk to you about its positive aspect.
Let me put it straight - doing nothing sometimes is necessary.
We live in a very demanding society. We are expected to have a great job, earn much money, be good parents, have amazing relations with everybody and at the same time we should stay fit, be clever, smiling and cheerful all the time.
There are days, where you feel like doing nothing, and your mind is telling you: you can't be lazy, you have to do something!
I dear you - DO NOTHING!
In my opinion, from time to time it is vital that you spoil yourself with one day of doing absolutely nothing that is work or uni based.
If you feel like your body is telling slow down, listen to it! Staying in bed, wearing your jogging bottoms, not putting your make-up on and watching your favourite series could be exactly what you need, and it doesn't have to necessarily be a waste of time. It could be your way of recovering. So sometimes take a break and chill!!!
You don't have to live up to people's expectations, sometimes taking a one step backwards could mean going two forwards :)
Allow yourself sometimes s to do nothing.
It won't affect your overall results, but it can help to clear your mind from negative thoughts.
I hope that this gloomy day isn't as bad as it looks like
Alex :)