Saturday, 22 April 2017

Just do it

Just do it 

This sentence is mostly associated with nike brand, isn´t it? Straightaway we connect it with a workout, with strength or with being fit? Do you agree with me on that? Recently people got caught up in that fit freak revolution that they tend to forget that just do it doesn't have to mean move your bum and do some exercise. There's no doubt that workout is good for you. I'm not trying to question that, what is more, I'm also a person who tries to go jogging or at least go for a walk as it helps me to clear my mind. However, today I'd like to tell you that any dream that you have anything that you wish for the smallest desire that you have JUST DO IT!

I know it will sound silly since it's me who's saying that and, oh well I'm only 24 and what could I possibly know right? Nevertheless, I heard that sentence somewhere and I truly love it!

There's nothing worst then wake up one day being old and realise that there's something that you haven't done, haven't tried, haven't experienced.

I'm aware of the fact that many of those dreams that we have are quite hard to achieve, as the is involved, however, think about it in this way: the more you try closer you get to your goal. What's more, many times on the way of getting what you want you learn so many different things, you get to know amazing people, you gain experience and this, my dear is priceless.

I remember when I was I high school I used to envy my friends that they would go to all those language courses abroad, and my family simply couldn't afford it. I used to think that I would never be able to come to the level of English that they had, and here I am I know 3 different languages.

I still keep in my mind that feeling of pride when I went to Spain and I paid all the trip for my own earned money.

There were so many things I was afraid to do because either I thought that I wasn't good enough or I was terrified that I would fail. And I did fail sometimes, but guess what it was all worth it!!! I met amazing people I developed as a human being and I don't regret a single second of it.
ou probably wonder what is it that I did. Well, I might tell you anytime soon :)

For now, just hear me out: JUST DO IT !!!

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Self -love

From the outset, we are taught that loving yourself is about being narcissistic. Therefore, instead of self-acceptance and self-love, we develop in our consciousness self-hatred as it is better to be miserable than to be aware of your own value.

I imagine that it might seem like I'm overreacting, but deep down you probably agree with me, our society don't appreciate people who are openly talking about their virtues or success. They are considered to be big-headed. The biggest value seems to be only contributed to modesty.
I do believe that being modest is an excellent quality, however, it is to often mistaken with being austere with yourself.

But, let's cut to the chase!

First thing first I need to mention that self-acceptance is a constant process it's not something that you can attain from one day to another. I believe that people should question and ponder themselves whether they do accept fully and unconditionally who they really are. Which means that not only we accept the good parts but also those bad ones.

Many times we don't like certain parts of ourselves, like those ones where we have fears or anxieties or different flaws. However, we ought to be aware of its existence in order to change it. Nothing will ever improve if you'll be constantly judging yourself. It's like this vicious circle. Think about it this way all that energy that we are consuming on judging, criticising ourselves we could be doing so many different creative things :)

So, do not think that loving yourself is  necessarily a bad thing, when you do it in order to improve yourself there's nothing wrong with that

Have a good day x


Monday, 3 April 2017

Moaning :(

Hello there !!!!

It's almost 11pm and I'm already lying in my bed and, as stupid as it sounds, I thought why not write a blog??? :)

I've been thinking about it a lot recently, as this is something that really bothers me.
They say that the think that we most hate in other people is our biggest flaw.

In this case is seems to be true for me :)

I do not appreciate people moaning anywhere close to me :) It's just one of that think that strongly impacts out humor/ wellbeing. You're like that sponge that absorbs all the negativity...

I'd love to know how to fight that feeling of being down and trying to put blame on everything rather then yourself!

You're creating your own life, we shall all remember that. However, I know how hard it gets, I feel like I'm moaning and complaining all the time, which I'm certainly not proud of.

I'd love to know how to fight it? Any ideas??

For now I'm off, hopefully next time I'll have the answer for that question.

Have a good night :)